Asana of The Month- King Pigeon
So I've decided to pick one pose each month to practice daily. This month I'm choosing King Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) which I didn't hold long enough for this picture taken in Bocas Del Toro, Panama, because it requires reaching my foot with both hands.
Pigeon, and all its modifications, is not just a beautiful pose to master, but it has both physical and emotional benefits. My yoga teachers have told me that this extreme hip opener also invites emotional release. We store a lot of built up emotions in our hips. Once we release our hips, long-suppressed feelings tend to come out as well. That is why I have often found myself unexpectedly greeted with a stream of tears when holding this pose for a prolonged period of time. Our daily lives are not good for hip flexibility. Sitting behind a desk and stress tighten our hips. But this pose will allow you to bring much needed relief to an area that tends to cling to tension. This pose also helps maintain flexibility in the lower back. Beware- if you have a knee injury Pigeon will be very challenging. A good yoga teacher will help you with modifications so you can enter the pose slowly.
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